Compliance – Reporting Path System
Adherence to legal regulations and internal compliance rules
The SEEBURGER Group has clear guidelines on ethics and compliance standards. At the foundation of this is our Code of Conduct for Employees.
Adherence to legal regulations and internal compliance rules is a top priority for SEEBURGER. Violations should be identified at an early stage in order to initiate appropriate counter measures and to avert potential damage to customers, employees, business partners and the company as a whole.
Violations within the company
SEEBURGER has set up several reporting channels in order to find out about potentially serious violations within the company in good time and to be able to follow up on information appropriately. Both SEEBURGER employees and external parties can use these channels to report issues such as potential bribery offenses, fraud, violations of antitrust law, violations of the Money Laundering Act or violations of accounting regulations.
If you have concrete, well-founded indications of serious legal violations or breaches of the rules at SEEBURGER, or if you suspect such violations, you have the following avenues to contact us:
1. Corporate Compliance Officer
Michael Kleeberg
Phone +49 7252 96 - 1292
Email: m.kleeberg
2. Compliance lawyer based at Kanzlei Ebner Stolz, Mr. Anders Rupp
Post: Ebner Stolz, RA / StB Andreas Rupp, Lorenzstr. 29, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany
Telephone: +49 (0)721 / 915705 - 20
Cell: +49 (0)162 / 4054820
Fax: +49 (0)721 / 915705 - 99
Email: Andreas.Rupp
3. Our reporting system
It is also possible to provide information anonymously. If doing so, please provide as many details of the issue as possible and, if available, documents that support your suspicions. After all, it is only possible to effectively act upon this information if we have evidence to support the suspicions and concrete avenues to investigate.
SEEBURGER investigates all reports, treating all whistleblower cases with the highest level of confidentiality and fairness. This also applies to any employees affected by an allegation.
There are also third party channels to report potential violations, including breaches against EU law or the way this is implemented on a domestic level in accordance with EU Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of whistleblowers (Problems and complaints - European Commission (
Our guidelines, principles and commitments
- Code of Conduct for Suppliers
- Anti-corruption regulations
- Commitment to UN Global Compact
Last updated: February 13, 2024